Hyline Label company Ltd. Zaphura Chan Marketing/Sales Director
""Hyline Label Company Ltd. has been supplying self-adhesive labels to CIC for their liquid detergent line since 2004. In these twelve years we have seen CIC grow into one of the leading manufacturers of detergents and household cleaning agents in the CARICOM. The strategies used by CIC to achieve this status have included modernizing their plant, acquiring ISO certification, and upgrading their packaging. Hyline has consistently worked alongside CIC in ensuring that our labels are a true representation of the high standard of CIC products. It is a pleasure doing business with this company, and enjoying the warm Suriname hospitality from the CIC team whenever we visit the plant.”"

Beepats & Sons
"“Beepats has been dealing with numerous international suppliers and we are proud to have CIC as a part of our portfolio. We have enjoyed 30 years of mutually beneficial business, showing constant growth and expansion, and we look forward to continuous years of positive expectations with the CIC line of products, as we are certain of the increase in business for our Guyanese market. CIC and Beepats does not share a supplier to distributor relationship, as we view it more of a partnership type arrangement due to all of the support provided from CIC to Beepats.”